Care For All

Pregnancy Care

Care For All

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey in a woman's life, filled with profound changes and expectations. "Care for All" is our commitment at Dr. Sumina Reddy Women's Health Care Hospital to ensure that every expectant mother receives exceptional care throughout her pregnancy. Our comprehensive pregnancy care program encompasses a range of essential services, addressing the diverse needs and circumstances of our patients.

Week By Week - Baby Growth:

Trimesters are a way of dividing and tracking the progress of pregnancy into three distinct periods, each roughly three months long. These divisions help doctors and expectant parents monitor and understand the stages of pregnancy. Here's an overview of the three trimesters of pregnancy:


First Trimester (Weeks 1-12):

1. Conception and Early Development: The first trimester begins with the first day of the last menstrual period, even though conception typically occurs around the end of week two.

2. Embryonic Development: During this period, the fertilized egg implants in the uterus lining, and the embryonic stage begins. The baby's basic structures, such as the heart, brain, and limbs, start forming.

3. Major Milestones: By the end of the first trimester, the embryo has developed into a fetus, about 3 inches long. The heart starts beating, and the baby's vital organs begin to form.

4. Common Symptoms: Expectant mothers may experience symptoms like morning sickness, fatigue, breast tenderness, and increased urination.

5. Prenatal Care: Regular check-ups and early prenatal care are crucial to monitor the pregnancy's progress and address any concerns.

Second Trimester (Weeks 13-27):

1. Growth and Development: The second trimester is often called the "honeymoon" period of pregnancy. The baby's growth accelerates, and many of its systems and features become more defined.

2.Movement and Sensory Development: The fetus becomes more active, and the mother may feel distinct movements. Senses like hearing and vision develop, and the baby's skin is covered in fine hair called lanugo.


3.Major Milestones: By the end of the second trimester, the fetus is around 14-16 inches long. The baby's organs continue to mature, and there is a noticeable increase in the size of the baby bump.


4. Common Symptoms: Many of the first-trimester symptoms, such as morning sickness, may subside. However, other symptoms, like heartburn, leg cramps, and backaches, may become more prevalent.


5. Prenatal Care: Regular check-ups continue, with a focus on monitoring the baby's development and conducting ultrasound examinations.


Third Trimester (Weeks 28-40):


1. Final Preparation for Birth: The third trimester is a period of rapid growth and preparation for childbirth. The baby's organs, especially the lungs, continue to mature.


2. Weight Gain and Movement: The baby's weight increases significantly, and its movements may become more intense. It may drop lower in the mother's abdomen in preparation for birth.


3. Major Milestones: By the end of the third trimester, the baby is considered full-term and is ready for birth. The mother may experience signs of labor, such as contractions and the release of the mucus plug.


4. Common Symptoms: The third trimester can bring about discomforts such as shortness of breath, frequent urination, and swelling in the hands and feet. Braxton Hicks contractions may become more noticeable.


5. Prenatal Care: During this phase, healthcare providers will closely monitor the mother and baby, discussing birth plans and ensuring that everything is in place for a safe delivery.