Hysteroscopy is a medical procedure in which the doctor uses a hysteroscope, a long and thin tube to look inside the uterus and examine the cervix. This tube is passed through the vagina and the cervical canal to inspect the uterus and diagnose the problem. It helps in treating certain gynecological conditions, among which uterine septum is one. Hysteroscopic septal resection is a minimally invasive technique that aids in removing the uterine septum
Uterine septum is a congenital malformation. In this, the uterine cavity is partitioned by a longitudinal septum. This partition is divided into two-
Sometimes, under severe conditions, this septum may continue into the vagina resulting in the double vagina. Uterine septum is associated with a high risk of miscarriages, premature birth, and malpresentation. At times, it also leads to abnormalities of the renal system and skeletal system.
Hysteroscopy is one of the best ways to diagnose uterine septum. Although septate uterus does not lead to infertility, it increases the chances of miscarriage and other associated problems during pregnancy. It may also contribute to the delayed natural conception of patients with secondary infertility.
Hysteroscopic septal resection is accompanied by a significant improvement in the reproductive performance of women. It is considered a safe and effective way to overcome uterine septum. The procedure does not pose any adverse effects on the fertility factor.
The surgery takes around 1 to 2 hours, after which you will be kept under observation for one day. The doctor will monitor your blood pressure, pulse, etc. to know whether everything is fine or not. You may get discharged after 1 or 2 days of the surgery.
The success rate of Hysteroscopic septal resection is high. It improves the chances of conceiving and successfully taking the pregnancy to the full term. It is painless with a shorter recovery time. It restores the normal shape and function of the uterus.
Consult the doctor immediately if you are feeling uneasy, nauseated, and having temperature fluctuations after the surgery. Reach out to the doctor if there is an offensive vaginal discharge of heavy vaginal bleeding. Furthermore, if there is a problem in emptying the bladder completely and you are having severe abdominal pain, contact your gynecologist.
There are very few chances of risks in the hysteroscopic septal resection that can be corrected. You may get an infection in the urinary tract for which the doctors will keep you under antibiotics before and after the surgery. Sometimes, there is risk of uterine perforation, which needs to be identified and managed. Injury in the surrounding tissues may also occur. The doctor will give further treatment if any such thing happens.
Therefore, it is very important to consult and get treatment from a well experienced and qualified doctor. Dr. Sumina Reddy is one of the most renowned and the best gynecologists in Hyderabad. With years of experience and profound knowledge, she can deal with any complex gynecological case easily.
Visit Dr. Sumina Reddy Clinic to know more about uterine septum and Hysteroscopic septal resection.